You can register for IELTS quickly and easily through any of our authorised IELTS registration centres that are located nationwide. Please contact our IELTS registration centres for available test dates and payment options. Search for an authorised IELTS registration centre by selecting the city closest to you.
Our authorised registration centres are independent third parties and comprise of language schools, higher education institutions, professional associations or migration agents. The British Council is impartial and does not participate in the creation or administration of IELTS preparation courses with any third party organisations. Therefore, potential candidates are advised to evaluate each course according to personal preferences and needs. Our authorised IELTS registration centres are known as:
- British Council IELTS Registration Centre
- IELTS Registration Centre for the British Council
- [Company name] is an IELTS Registration Centre for the British Council.
Any wording other than the above mentioned used by a registration centre is prohibited and candidates are advised to be cautious of such institutes since they may not be authorised by the British Council.
Please note that we no longer work with ACCHE in any of their offices in Sri Lanka, w.e.f 10 January 2017.