We are now spending most of our time indoors, so it's the perfect opportunity to start doing all the things you wanted to do but never had the time. Whether you have ten minutes or an hour to practise each day, our learning materials will help you improve your language skills. 

Find out your English level

Start by taking our free English grammar and vocabulary test to help you find out what level you are currently on. Based on your results, the platform will offer you practice materials to help you improve.

Improve your language skills

Once you know what level you’re on, you are ready to start working on your listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. Select your level and then choose from different types of texts and audio recordings, interactive exercises and worksheets.

English for teenagers

Many students around the world can't go to school at the moment. Using our LearnEnglish Teens website can help you keep learning and practising your English at home. LearnEnglish Teens has lots of videos, audio and reading materials to help you improve your English language skills and support your learning. To get started, we suggest that you spend between 20 and 30 minutes a day using LearnEnglish Teens. If you do this, you'll start to make real progress.

Improve your business English

With more and more people working for international companies, this is a perfect chance to improve your business English and get ahead. Visit our Business English section to develop your interview skills, learn to write clear emails and increase your awareness of business topics and issues.

Join one of our free courses

If you're looking for a chance to practise your English with other people, why not join one of our online courses. Our official LearnEnglish online courses section has a range of self-access English courses.

Get an online library membership

Do you have lots of free time and nothing much to do? Here's a great way to enjoy your time and nourish your creativity and imagination. You can now sign-up for an online membership at the British Council library, by simply completing the form and making an online bank transfer payment.

Register for our MOOCs

MOOC stands for Massive Online Open Course. We at the British Council have partnered with FutureLearn, globally, to transform access to education. Browse through a wide selection of different courses to pick the course that you want to follow, free of charge. 


If you want to stay in touch, get news hot off the press from us and connect with others, then join our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and be sure to check out our Instagram channel.

We want to build a stronger and bigger community for those of you that love learning and enjoy the culture. We’re in this together!