child reading in the library
child reading in the library
Saturday 26 April 2014
17:30 to 18:30
British Council Library Colombo

Join our interactive discussion initiated by the award winning author Daya Dissanayake and learn how to guide your child to be a fruitful leader. 

Date Saturday 26 April
Time 5.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.
Venue British Council Library (Colombo)
Registrations Open to all. Please register at the British Council Library (Colombo)

Programme consists of:

  • Tips for developing the reading habit from a young age
  • Valueable reading development pointers for parents and children
  • Violence in children's books and its impact
  • Reading for the Earth and the Environment

For more information please contact the Library (Colombo) on (011) 4521521


Portrait of Daya Dissanayake (©Chandana Wijesinghe - The Nation)

Daya Dissanayake

Daya Dissanayake is an award winning bi-lingual author, the only Sri Lanka to have won State Literary Award for English Novel thrice. He won it for the first time in 1998 for kat bitha which was his first novel. Eavesdropper won the award in 2007, and Miracle Under the Kumbuk Tree in 2013. His The Saadhu Testament; is the first electronic novel by an Asian Author. He followed it up by releasing Wessan Novu Wedun also as an enovel thus becoming the first to publish a Sinhala Electronic Novel.