Forum theatre performance with local actors
Forum theatre performance with local actors

Forum theatre uses the power of theatre to depict sensitive social issues within a community, where the audience becomes involved in the play and suggests alternative outcomes.

The British Council works with theatre trainers from PAN Intercultural Arts, London, UK and the Centre for Performing Arts, Sri Lanka to introduce theatre techniques that help local communities to express themselves and resolve issues through Forum Theatre. Through our training programmes conducted over the last five years, we have been able to build the capacity of the local trainers on Forum Theatre performance and bring out more than 150 community-based Forum Theatre performers from across the island.

Forum Theatre objectives:

  • Empowers people in overcoming inequalities and prejudices among communities
  • gives a platform for oppressed communities to voice their concerns and find solutions
  • helps audiences, especially young adults to understand different cultures and ethnic groups and their points of view
  • provides an opportunity for young performers to work in an intercultural environment and to gain  awareness about other cultures.

Please contact us if you wish to find out more information about how you can be involved with this programme . 

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