Image taken from the poster of The Taming of the Shrew
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Friday 20 January 2017 18:00 to Sunday 22 January 2017 20:30

The Taming of the Shrew is based on the play of the same name by William Shakespeare about a courtship between two strong-willed people. Baptista, a rich merchant, announces that his fair young daughter, Bianca, will remain unwed until her older sister, Katharina, a hellish shrew, has wed. Lucentio, a student and the son of a wealthy merchant, has fallen in love with Bianca. He poses as a tutor of music and poetry to gain entrance to the Baptista’s household and to be near Bianca. Meanwhile, Petruchio, a fortune-hunting scoundrel from Verona, arrives in Padua, hoping to capture a wealthy wife.

Hortensio, another suitor of Bianca, directs Petruchio's attention to Katharina. When Hortensio warns him about Katharina's scolding tongue and fiery temper, Petruchio is challenged and resolves to capture her love. Hortensio and another suitor of Bianca, Gremio, agree to cover Petruchio's costs as he pursues Katharina.

Venue Date Time
Orion City Thursday 12 January 06.00 p.m. - 08.00 p.m.
Colombo 03 Friday 20 January  06.30 p.m. - 08.30 p.m.
Jaffna Sunday 22 January 04.00 p.m. - 06.00 p.m.

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