Monday 09 December 2019
18:45 to 21:15
British Council Library, Colombo 03

As part of our commitment to 16 days of activism, we ask the question why are women still being brutally raped and killed?
And what can we collectively do about it?

A film screening of India’s Daughter will be followed by a moderated panel discussion with Paba Deshapriya and Alexis Palfreyman.

India's Daughter is a documentary film directed by Leslee Udwin, based on the 2012 Delhi gang rape and murder of Jyoti Singh, a 23-year-old physiotherapy student. 

Through 31 hours of interviews with the perpetrators of this brutal crime, it became abundantly clear that the root cause of this violence was socio-cultural programming of inequality which ascribes lesser value and different rules to the other gender.

Understanding that all inequalities, racial, religious, ethnic or any other, spring from the same root cause, and that the only way to change a discriminatory mindset is through education, Leslee began a journey in exploring what ‘education’ is, and discovering what it should be. Leslee concluded that there is a missing third dimension to education, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), which should be taught alongside numeracy and literacy.

Neuroscientists are clear that the optimal time to change mindsets, attitudes and behaviours is in the Early Years. This led to creating the THINK EQUAL curriculum; the world’s first comprehensive programme of Social and Emotional Learning [SEL] for 3-6-year-olds. Currently, the programme is implemented in 13 countries, including Sri Lanka, with 630 Early Childhood Education Centers in the southern province. 

Ages: 16 years and above (children under 18 should be accompanied by a parent/guardian)

Open to the public. Entrance free. 


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