the ceaseless chatter of demons
Saturday 25 November 2017
07:00 to 08:00
Entrance free

So begins the story of young Sonny Mahadewala who leads a dual life: between his adoptive England where he cohabits with a privileged American, and the mixed blessings of Mahadewala Walauwa—the big house on the mountain belonging to his father’s people in Kandy, the ancient capital of Sri Lanka—where a troubled existence has earned him both honour and shame. For Sonny’s mother, a wonderfully maleficent anti-heroine, is convinced that demons possess this ugly son of hers. Demons and the devil himself circumscribe the playing field of this book, whether seated in the draughty chapels of Oxford or roaming the Kandyan countryside and, through their clever interplay, they speak of larger horrors with able grace.

Date: 25 November 2017
Time: 07.00 p.m. - 08.00 p.m.
Venue: British Council Library, Kandy

For more information, please contact our Arts team on 0117521521.

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