This story is all about friends. Set in the jungle, each one in the story is different - giraffe, lion, crocodile, cheetah, birds, meerkat, and wilderbeest. However, the most interesting character is Mr Wrinkle, the elephant. The interesting fact about him is that he remembers everything and never forgets. It tells us about the importance of teamwork and with a key message to ‘Never forget your friends’.
Come and listen to the story read by one of our UK-qualified Teachers at the British Council and engage in the activities.
Limited seats are available on first come first served basis.
Age group: 5 – 10 years
Date: Saturday 30 November 2024
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Venue: British Council Library, Colombo.
Registrations: For members LKR 500/- Click here to register
For non-members LKR 750/- Click here to register